Looking to spruce up your holiday book collection? I’ve got you covered. We have ten brand new Christmas stories you are not going to want to miss.
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Nutcracker Night by Mireille Messier; illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard, 2019
(Ages 2 and up)
Filled with onomatopoeia and eye-catching illustrations, this is the perfect book to introduce the story of The Nutcracker to young children. The simple text follows a girl and her father as they travel into the city to watch the ballet. From observing the orchestra to getting snacks at intermission, this entertaining book will help prepare kids for their first visit to see this classic Christmas tale. A brief summary of The Nutcracker is located in the back if parents would like to build upon the scenes presented in the book.
Santa’s Story by Will Hillenbrand, 2019
(Ages 3 – 6)
It’s Christmas Eve and Santa’s reindeer are nowhere to be found. Readers will delight in discovering the reindeer are simply waiting for their annual tradition of reading The Night Before Christmas before they can set off on their magical journey. Beautiful winter scenes adorn this sweet holiday offering celebrating traditions.
Little Robin’s Christmas by Jan Fearnley (original publication in 1999) newly released, 2019
(Ages 3 – 7)
This classic story has been re-released with updated illustrations just in time for the holidays. It’s the week before Christmas and Robin is excited to wear his seven new vests each day before the big celebration. During the week, he encounters several shivering animals and shares his warm vests with them. On Christmas Eve, Robin is left standing in the cold himself until Santa presents a little red vest knitted from the thread of Santa’s own red coat.
This is a charming story that beautifully demonstrates kindness and the spirit of giving. It would also make an excellent flannel board activity for preschools to reinforce subtraction skills, colors, and days of the week.
A Mustache Baby Christmas by Bridget Heos; illustrated by Joy Ang, 2019
(Ages 3 – 8)
While I love the heartwarming holiday tales, my kids always gravitate toward the silly Christmas stories, which is why I knew I had to get my hands on the latest book in The Mustache Baby series.
In this silly series, Billy and his friend Javier are born with a comical amount of facial hair. Readers discover that on Christmas Eve, Javier’s beard turns white making him Santa’s helper who is in charge of delivering toys to all the babies of the world. Luckily his friend, Billy, is here to help. Comical hijinks ensue and the babies learn a valuable lesson about giving.
Ho Ho Homework by Mylisa Larsen; illustrated by Taia Morley, 2019
(Ages 4 – 8)
When Jack and his classmates notice their new substitute teacher, Mr. Clausen, closely resembles Santa Clause, they begin to suspect that he could, in fact, be the real Santa.
This is a perfect read aloud for school and at home. Children will delight in pointing out the similarities between Mr. Clausen and Santa and smile at the satisfying ending. There are even instructions included for children to make their own snowflakes.
The Great Santa Stakeout by Betsy Bird; illustrated by Dan Santat, 2019
(Ages 4 and up)
Freddy Melcher is Santa’s #1 fan. He dresses up as Santa every chance he can and fills his room with holiday paraphernalia. This year he is determined to snap a photo of his hero to add to his Christmas collection and begins preparations for the great Santa stakeout.
The amusing text is enhanced by Dan Santat’s engaging and humorous illustrations. There is no doubt that this will be a popular holiday read aloud!
Dasher: How a Brave Little Doe Changed Christmas Forever by Matt Tavares, 2019
(Ages 4 and up)
This classic in the making tells the story of how a reindeer named Dasher found his way to Santa and delighted children everywhere by pulling his sleigh on Christmas Eve.
This enchanting story is full of magic and rich illustrations that draw the reader in.
How Winston Delivered Christmas: A Christmas Story in Twenty-Four-And-A-Half Chapters by Alex T. Smith, 2019
(Ages 4 and up)
One of my favorite Christmas traditions as a child was opening up our family’s advent calendar, but I had never heard of an advent book until now. How Winston Delivered Christmas is a brilliant new book with a short chapter and activity to be read on each day of December.
The story follows a small mouse who finds a lost letter to Santa and embarks upon an epic adventure to the North Pole. The suggested activities range from creating wrapping paper and gift tags to baking and making other crafts.
The Tree That’s Meant to Be by Yuval Zommer, 2019
(Ages 4 – 8)
When a pine tree grows up crooked and small, he fears he will be left alone forever until a group of woodland animals make him the center of their holiday fun. Through each season, the tree remains and happily resides with his forest family. This is a sweet story of belonging that is sure to warm the heart.
How to Trick a Christmas Elf by Sue Fliess; illustrated by Simona Snafilippo, 2019
(Ages 4 – 8)
Bouncy rhymes tell the story of a group of mischievous children who form a plan to distract an elf in order to peek at the Naughty-or-Nice List. Step-by-step instructions paired with engaging illustrations inform readers on how to build the perfect elf-size sled. While the children fail at getting a look at the coveted list, they do receive a message that demonstrating kindness is a more reliable way to ensure a place on the Nice List. A brief history of Christmas elves is included in the back matter.
The Crayons’ Christmas by Drew Daywalt; illustrated by Oliver Jeffers, 2019
(Ages 3 and up)
The gang from The Day The Crayon’s Quit is back with a new holiday edition. This installment is packed with interactive elements including letters that can be removed and read, games, ornaments, and a pop-up Christmas tree.
Check out more of our favorite stories for Christmas: