Pink is for Boys by Robb Pearlman ; illustrated by Eda Kaban, 2018
(Ages 2 – 6)
Who decided there are “boy” colors and “girl” colors? Whoever did, must not have children because they would realize there is no such thing as gender specific colors. My daughter loves playing with blue trucks and my son rocks a pink shirt without batting an eye. Colors are for EVERYONE! This point is perfectly illustrated in the incredible new picture book, Pink is for Boys by Robb Pearlman and Eda Kaban.
Using sparse text and energetic illustrations, Pink is for Boys is an excellent way to introduce colors to young children and teach all children that they should enjoy their favorite color no matter what it is.
I have to add a quick anecdote about introducing this book to my son. This is how our conversation went when I brought the book home.
ME: “Let’s read Pink is for Boys!”
MY SON: “No, it’s not!”
ME (in a snippy voice): “Yes it is! Pink can be for boys too! You like wearing pink.”
MY SON: “I know, Mom. But pink isn’t just for boys. It’s for girls too. It’s for everybody.”
I cannot even put into words the pride I had for my five-year-old at that moment. I dream of a world that celebrates diversity and uniqueness and I hope that my son will continue to include and celebrate everyone.