We had a lot of changes occur in March, but one constant in our lives is cuddling together for a good story. My children and I have had A LOT of time to read together the last few weeks and we have found some true gems that we cannot get enough of.
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The Paper Kingdom by Helena Ku Rhee; illustrated by Pascal Campion, 2020
(Ages 5 and up)
With its beautiful illustrations, captivating story that is full of imagination, and memorable characters who demonstrate how to make the best of a difficult situation, there is a lot to love about The Paper Kingdom.
When their babysitter cancels, two night janitors bring their son to the office they clean and regale him with creative tales of the people who work there. This magical book takes what could be a dull event and transforms it into an enchanting evening with an uplifting ending.
Our entire family loves this exceptional book and it sparked a meaningful conversation about different types of jobs. My daughter enjoyed this story so much that she acted out the storyline with her dolls!
The Moon Is Following Me by Jq Sirls, 2020
(Ages 4 and up)
The few times we drove our children somewhere at night, one of them would always comment that the moon was following them, so I knew this book would be a big hit in our house.
A young boy is convinced that the moon is following him, so he imagines comical reasons why the moon would be keeping an eye on him. Each explanation is funnier than the next and his final conclusion is perfectly satisfying. With its cartoony illustrations and excellent use of humor, this is a new favorite bedtime book in our house.
Swim Swim Sink by Jenn Harney, 2020
(Ages 3 and up)
What begins as a sweet springtime story of three hatchlings heading for a dip in the pond, quickly turns into a humorous tale of a quirky duckling who searches for creative solutions to overcome his fear of swimming.
The playful illustrations are laugh-out-loud funny and the delightful storyline makes this entertaining read aloud perfect for sharing with a group of children!
The Box Turtle by Vanessa Roeder, 2020
(Ages 4 and up)
I dare you to find a cuter turtle than the rosy-checked character in this adorable story. When a baby box turtle named Terrance is born without a shell, his parents give him a cardboard box to act as his home. Terrance loves his box until another turtle makes fun of it. An amusing quest for a new shell ensues ending with a lesson of self-acceptance and friendship.
My children absolutely love this sweet story and especially enjoyed the clever details and the feel-good ending.
Froodle by Antoinette Portis, 2014
(Ages 3 and up)
If you want to make children laugh, read them a book that has silly words in it. They can’t help, but giggle! I picked up this old favorite from our library and quickly realized that this hilarious story made a terrible bedtime book because it made both my seven-year-old son and four-year-old daughter roar with laughter and inspired them to stay up late coming up with their own funny words. While it might not be the best choice for bedtime, Froodle is an excellent read aloud for children.
“Woof”, says the dog. “Meow”, says the cat, and the birds say, “Peep.” Until one day a little brown bird wanted to say something new. “Froodle sproodle!” Crow is abashed that the little brown bird would dare to be different, but soon his inventiveness catches on and several of the birds want to try new words. With its funny nonsense words and message that it’s okay to dare to be different, this dynamic book is a real standout!